Vasuli Recoveries Ltd. (Office of Adhikrut Jabti Evam Vasuli) has been chosen by Almost all Government Banks and Managed by efficient team of Young Women & Retired Bankers came in to operation in the year 1998 and has a distinction of being first PAN INDIA private agency of the country engaged in recovery on behalf of Govt. & Nationalized banks.We have received accredition from IIBF for imparting training to Debt Recovery Agentand successfully trained them to Recover in Civilized way.
We believe that "Change and be ready before time changes " & we assert that "Performance and Integrity speaks louder than words. HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE RECEIVING AWARD AS BEST ENFORCEMENT AGENCY FROM STATE BANK OF INDIA, CASH RECOVERY TILL DATE: 1500 CR.We are already handling 5000 Cr. of NPA & still Counting...."